Sunday, May 31, 2009

Weekend Update

We had a very nice weekend. On Saturday, we all played together in the morning. Meredith took a great nap. Michael and I got to hang out in the pool and work on our tans. After Mere woke up, we went shopping. I am so excited because Michael bought me a new vaccuum. It is the Bissell Versus. It's for hardwood floors and gets up everything, even Rocky hair. I know that may not be exciting to some, but if you knew how many times a day I sweep or have to pull out the big vaccuum, then you would share in my excitement. It is so easy to just pull out and clean the floors quick. I think Michael thinks he has died and gone to heavan to have a wife that is this excited about a vaccuum.
On Sunday, we had another great morning. Meredith took another awesome nap and we got to play in the pool some more. Aunt Lola and Uncle Casey came over in the afternoon. We just hung out and made fajitas. Aunt Lola even helped by cleaning almost the whole kitchen by herself. That was such a great treat!
I am very sad that the weekend is over. They have been so much fun lately.
Watching Sprout on Saturday morning.

Hmmm, I know that Mommy hates when anyone messes up her just made bed. Oh well, I am comfy!

Maybe if I squish down, she won't see me....

Oh, she saw me. I'll just roll into them. If I can't see her, she can't see me!

I LOVE mac-n-cheese!
(you can't really see them, but there are noodles stuck all over me)

Friday, May 29, 2009

Just Another Day...

Mommy was trying to make a grocery list while I had my snack. I really don't like how she was doing it, soI took over.

All finished!!!!! Can you believe she almost forgot cookies?!?

I get so worked up playing on Daddy's old keyboard that I have to wear my blanket around my neck.

I am so embarrassed, I just cannot believe Mommy would put this on here. I climbed up in the chair because I needed something to hold onto so that I could go poop. Mommy thinks it is funny, I do not!

When Daddy came home, we cooked steaks out on the grill. I am a very good helper.

Daddy watched me while Mommy cleaned the kitchen.

This is what I was doing while Daddy "watched" me....

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

I know that it has been a while since I posted. I will try to start getting back to nightly updates.
In my defense, we had a busy weekend and it has taken me this long to recover. It is hard to keep up with everything and Mere and have a big giant belly.
So, on Friday, my mom came to town. It was so much fun. The older I get, the more I truly enjoy spending time with her. I know that she enjoys getting to play with Meredith - and Meredith loves playing with someone who never ever ever tells her "NO." I cannot wait for when they live back in Texas. Hopefully, that will be soon.
On Saturday, I helped host a baby shower for Lauri. I think that it turned out so nice. I really hope that she enjoyed it. While I was very happy to have it at our house, it was a little more stressful than I thought. Of course, that could be because I had a little helper destroying what I cleaned. All in all, it was a great day.
On Sunday, we just spent time the morning with my mom. I took her to the airport at naptime, and when I got home, there had been no nap. If you know anything about Meredith, you know that the girl needs her sleep. It not only makes for a cranky afternoon, but a horrible night. We went to a friend's house for a little party. Mere held up pretty well, but she and I left early. I could see that our calm before the storm was about to pass, and we made it home just in time.
On Monday, all the friends from the day before came to our house. It was very casual. I didn't even cook, I just set out chips and the guys made hot dogs on the grill. We all just played in the pool and worked on our tans. Mere does not seem to enjoy the water, so I just fed her popsicles and ice cubes (her favorite) and she put her feet in the water. It was a really nice ending to a long weekend.
And now, what you are really here for, pictures....
Meredith, Me, Aunt Lola, and Mimi

All the hostesses and Aunt Lola

Mere, Mommy, and Nana

Nana and Mere

Mere doesn't really enjoy the pool, so she got to eat popsicles on the stairs. It was a holiday, so I let her have three. They mainly ended up on her or in the pool. She had fun, and that is all that mattered.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Who is this little girl????

We are not having the best day. Meredith was not a very happy girl during our weekly grocery shopping trip. She screamed the ENTIRE time at the store and was throwing anything she could reach out of the cart. I was that mom at the grocery store, but if you need food you need it and you can't leave the store. When we got home, the mood continued. While I made lunch, I let her torment Rocky. I know that that is mean, but he hadn't just been at the store for an hour and half with her. After lunch, she messed with him some more. She put her beads on him. If you look close, you can see a piece of chewed up turkey on his head. He is such a good dog.

And for Nana's viewing pleasure, here is a little taste of what the day has been. She doesn't seem to believe these fits I speak of. Enjoy!!!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Play Date Day

Mondays are becoming our new favorite day. We have met 2 really nice mommies, Virginia and Lindsey, and 2 really fun girls, Mary and Emily. On Monday we meet up to play and then go and get lunch at Einstein Bagels.
Today, we met up at the park. The park is really a little too old for Meredith, but that didn't stop her. She loves to walk up the slide before going down it. It is one thing at our house, but these are a lot bigger slides. I had to climb up into the playset with her to go down one of them. That is no easy task at 33 weeks pregnant. She also tried the sandbox out again, and it went much better than last time. I did not get any pictures at the park because I set it down while shutting the garage and forgot to take it. After the play date, we came home for a nap. Then we played all afternoon. I was trying to teach Mere how to go down the slide a little better. I think that it is still a long way away. I guess Mondays will just be our play all day day from now on.
On our way to our play date...I love to ride in my stroller.

I DO NOT like when Mommy puts a bow in my hair!!!

I am a "big" girl and do not need any help getting in my swing. Mommy thinks I do, so she always does one side for me.

I love when Daddy comes home from work! Mommy and I play outside and when I see him, I run to his truck.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Too Cute Not to Share

We had the greatest morning. Meredith woke up talking and laughing. There were so many things that we needed to get done this morning, but sometimes, you just have to enjoy the moments. We stayed in pajamas until way too late and just played and played. These are the things that I know she is too young to remember, but this is what I will remember forever. I just want her to always know that her mommy and daddy are never too busy to play with her.

Meredith loves playing with finger nail polish (thanks Nana). Of course, what mom doesn't love when their baby plays with glass bottles of paint.

Meredith is now mesmerized by the Sprout channel. I called and called her name, and as you can see, I didn't even get a blink. I have created a tv monster already!

Meredith loves playing in the pillows!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

My Little Cupcake

Meredith and I have had such a fun past few days. She has been in the absolute best mood. Lately, everything she does is so animated. It is so funny how her little personality is devoloping. I can only imagine the things that will come out of her mouth once she is able to talk to us.

Meredith had on the cutest outfit today. It is a little OshKosh dress with cupcakes all over it. She was not in the mood to have her photos taken at all today (that is why they are blurry).
Align Center

I turned on Sprout, her new favorite channel, to get a shot. Of course, she turned her back to me. Another Michael quality that she posseses is the ability to completely bloke out what I am saying while the tv is on. I even pretended to be going outside to swing to try and get her attention. No such luck.

Aren't these the cutest pajamas ever????

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

Meredith loves to play with her reflection in the mirror. In the past week or so, she has realized that the cute little girl in the mirror is actually her. Yesterday, I caught her making silly faces. She was acting startled, gasping and grabbing her cheeks, she was blowing kisses, she "fixing" her hair, but everything she did, she made sure that "she" was doing it too. I know she is mine, but I just think that this is the cutest ever!!!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Hanging Around the Pool

Meredith and the boys!
On Sunday, a few friends came over. Meredith, of course, loved all of the attention that everyone gave her. Especially the boys! She really knows how to put on a show for all of her admirers. She had so much fun that she passed out at bedtime.

Mere and her teeny new bikini!
Meredith got a few new bathing suits and hats today. I thought that this bikini was just way too cute to pass up. Don't you wish you could just let it all hang out like this. (sorry, I don't know how to flip the photo)

Mommy and Meredith
We decided to go for a little dip tonight. Mere was ready to go and couldn't even wait to put her suit on. We only played for a little bit, so she got to go skinny dipping.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Dancing Queen!

Meredith love love loves the theme song to the tv show Gilmore Girls. No matter where she is or what she is doing, she will run to the tv to dance. It is the cutest thing ever! I have no idea where she gets some of her moves...I am assuming Michael.

This is actually a repeat performance. I did not have the camera ready the first time, and she is not as lively. You still get the general idea though. Also, please excuse her hair. She just woke up from her nap and it is a bit crazy.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Love Notes from Meredith

Meredith had a few special messages she needed to send out. We made signs and she colored them. We tried to do a photo shoot earlier, but she wasn't too cooperative. I thought we would have better luck with Daddy to help us. As you can tell, Meredith still had absolutely no interest in even looking, much less holding, her signs. Hope you all had special birthdays and anniversaries.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

What a Mess!

We had a very laid back weekend. On Saturday, we just played around the house. Michael's friend Jon came over with his little boy Aaron. Meredith enjoyed getting to play with a friend. You can definitely tell that Meredith is an only child and that Aaron is the youngest. Aaron was immediately fighting for every toy, and Meredith was just handing them over. Hopefully, she will keep that sharing spirit up when Madilyn arrives.
Today, Meredith was a Daddy's girl. They went shopping at Lowes. I think that they both enjoyed getting away without mommy. This afternoon, we just put up some decorations around the house. Meredith also gave me the scare of my life. Michael had to run to his parents to pick up Mere's new mattress. I was putting away some things in the utility room. I realized that Mere was no longer with me. I was calling for her and looking in her usual hiding places. I started to panic and was going out to the pool. I heard her little voice and when I opened the back door there she was. She smiled and waved hi. She had crawled out of Rocky's dog door. Needless to say, a fence will be put around the pool this week. Rocky is also sad. He is locked in until further notice.
Also, Meredith's big girl furniture came on Saturday. I will post pics when we get her room set up.
Finally, we let Meredith have french fries with her own pack of ketchup. Obviously, she loves it! (And don't worry Nana and Mimi, she did have some healthy food before the fries.)

Friday, May 1, 2009

Long Day...

Today was a very long day, probably because last night was a very long night. Meredith was awake from 12:50 until 4:15. We haven't had a night like that since we moved here. It was a little hard for me to make it through the day after only 3 hours of sleep.

Today, I had my 30 week check-up. Everything is great. They will do an ultrasound at 37 weeks to see how big this little girl is (right now, it looks as though she will definitely be bigger than Mere was). If she looks pretty big, then we will talk about inducing. So Madilyn will be here in the next 8-10 weeks.

Meredith's Great Granny came to play with her while I went to the doctor. Mere was all smiles and kisses and giggles. As soon as Granny left, it was like a whole new baby. She knows how to put on her best act when it counts! You can tell the lack of sleep last night was really getting to her.

The lawn guys were mowing, and Meredith was very fascinated by what they were doing.

After watching those guys work so hard, we needed a little story break.