Sunday, February 28, 2010

Our New Tricks!

Madilyn is now 8 months old. She has been crawling for almost 2 months. I guess that crawling on the main floor is not good enough for her anymore. She wants to go everywhere that Meredith does. Even upstairs to the game room. She may be tiny, but it is going to take more than a few stair to slow this baby girl down.

(Meredith did not like not being the center of attention)

The other night was a full moon. Michael took Meredith out to show her. On their way out the door, I jokingly told them to howl at the moon. Well, Michael showed her how and it only took one time for her to get it. She is so funny, now she doesn't even need the mood to howl!

We're Back!

So, I am sure most of you have noticed that I have not been updating the blog. A few weeks went by that were hectic, and I just didn't have the time. Then Madilyn became mobile, and our days just seemed crazier and crazier. After bedtime, I was just so tired that I only felt like sitting and relaxing. Then I was just so far behind that it became more and more daunting to actually do. To make it easier on me, I have decided to just start fresh as of today. I am going to try to post every night. If there are days that I don't have anything, I will just go back over the last few months and post some of those pictures. Enjoy!!!