Thursday, October 29, 2009

Dallas World Aquarium

Michael took off a few days this week so that we could just spend a little bit of time together. Monday, we were going to go to the Fort Worth Zoo, but it was a yucky, rainy day. Instead, we decided to go to the Dallas World Aquarium. Meredith really enjoyed looking at all the animals and fish. At the beginning, it is more bird and monkey exhibits. Mere would gasp and point everytime that she saw a bird (which was a lot). She loved getting to look at the fish since they were on her level. I cannot wait until she gets bigger and understands more. She seemed to have so much fun today that it can only get better!

monkey see...

monkey do...

Daddy and me in the jungle.

I wanted to grab that bird through these little holes, but Daddy stopped me!
I don't know why he got to put his hand in there and feed the bird. Nobody stopped him!

I will get through here!!!!

These turles are bigger than me!

Daddy is so silly. Like I could miss these guys!


I want to show Daddy these fish, but he is trying to show me those fish.

Can you believe they left me in the stroller the whole time?!? At least I had my duck to keep me company.

Ooooooooh, look at those sharks!

That is a big one, but I am not scared because Daddy has me!

Fish Face

I love kitties.....meow, meow.

Look at this big cat Mommy!
(I am not looking because some crazy ladies were touching Madilyn!)

Saturdays with Daddy

Last Saturday, Michael got up early and "winterized" the house. He put some of our outdoor summer stuff in the Jeep garage and he pulled out our outdoor heater. He had pulled out the Jeep and let Meredith play in it while he cleaned up.

Driving Daddy's Jeep!


I cannot wait until I am big enough to drive this big Jeep!

Michael trimmed up some of the trees around the outdoor fireplace. Meredith obviously loves fires as much as her daddy does!


Lauri and Olivia came over last week. The girls still don't really play, but they are just so cute together. I cannot wait until all three of them are a little older and we can go and do things. They are going to have the best time growing up together.

Maddie Kate and Olivia

Only Olivia would smile. Madilyn is always scrunched up and eating her hands.

And now Madilyn is done with this. Meredith wanted in on the action too!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Where is Meredith?

Meredith loves getting to play outside. But it is not always an option now that Madilyn is here and it is not just the two of us in the day anymore. Now that we have the safety fence around the pool, we can let Meredith out for a little bit out a time withour having to constantly watch her. The other day I was unloading and reloading the dishwasher, so I opened the back door to let her play. As soon as I finished, I came out to play hide and seek with her.

(Don't worry, we don't just let her run free. The door was open and I kept going out every couple of minutes to check on her if I couldn't see her from the sink.)

Where is Meredith?

Here I am!

I'll come out from behind the fireplace now, don't worry.

Oh! I tricked you and went behind it instead. I am so funny!!!

Ooooh, this is just the right size for me!

Mommy found me!

Good Morning!

Tuesday morning, Madilyn woke up kind of early. Now that she is waking up again in the night, it is a lot harder for me to be up and ready. Meredith was still sleeping, so Madilyn and I just layed in bed and snuggled. She loved laying up on the pillows. She just cooed and smiled. I get annoyed sometimes when I am so tired and she wakes up early, but then the moments like this make it totally worth it.

Mmm, I love to chew on my blankie. It tastes almost as good as my bottle.

Now this is the life....laying in a comfly bed, had my bottle, and watching GMA with mommy. A baby girl could get used to this.

That mommy is so silly. I just love playing with her in the mornings!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Maddie Kate

Madilyn is becoming so animated. She really seems to get going right before bedtime. At night, we let her lay in her diaper or naked and kick around. She gets so excited, and her little arms and legs kick so fast. She doesn't even look like a real baby when she does it. It is so cute and funny.

(she is normally way more animated than this, but the camera was distracting her a bit)


Ok, I am sure that many of you have noticed the lack of new posts for a few weeks. And I am almost sure that you have noticed because the tens of people that read this blog everyday have mentioned it. Anyways, we finally bought a new camera after ours met an early end (Meredith threw it across the room, and the camera did not survive).

So while you have all been missing the blog, Meredith has been missing her Cheetos. At some point everyday, she runs to the door that leads out to the pantry and bangs on it. Once I let her out, she goes and bangs on her pantry door (since we have 3 pantries, Mere and Mad have their own). She will then get out the bag of Cheeto Puffs and eat as many as she can before I decide that she has had enough. We ran out a few days ago, and I just kept forgetting to pick some more up. She missed them desperately. Michael and I went to Target Sunday night and restocked her. She got a bit cranky that evening, so I gave her a handful while I did dishes. You can actually see her mood change from not so happy to very happy!

I am not so happy, but all these Cheetos are helping. Since it took me so long to get some new ones, I am not going to let one of these go!


So happy now!