I always have extra pictures that really don't need a whole post of their own. Here are a some of my favorites from August!

Bath Time
Madilyn LOVES taking baths. I prop up her sponge in my utility room sink and she just kicks back and relaxes. Meredith stands on a chair beside me and "helps".

Madilyn loves sleeping on her Daddy!

I left Madilyn in the chair while I was getting her clothes for the day. Meredith decided to jump on in and start cleaning the breakfast off of herself!

Even though Meredith got in the chair with Madilyn, she doesn't want Maddie Kate to touch her. That would be awful!

Maddie hanging out with her lovey and paci! The two best friends a baby girl could have!
Madilyn looks like she got a lot bigger in the picture of her laying asleep on Michael. You are so lucky to have two beautiful little girls!!