Meredith and Madilyn had their 18 month and 2 month well baby check-ups today. It went pretty smoothly. Everyone is growing good and doing really well. Mere had to get one shot and then the flu shot. Madilyn had to get 3 shots and an oral vaccine. Thank goodness Mimi went with me. It got a little crazy after the shots with both girls crying.
weight - 21 pounds, 6 ounces (15%)
height - 32 1/4 inches (45%)
head - 46.2 cm (45%)
weight - 9 pounds, 11 ounces (10%)
height - 22 1/2 inches (40%)
head - 38.9 cm (25%)

Meredith loving Madilyn

I just thought that Maddie Kate looks so cute in this outfit!

After she got some Tylenol, she was a happy girl!
OMG every time I see her picture she looks more and more like Michael...and yes that is a compliment ;) She is so cute, and of course Miss Meredith is pinch her cheeks adorable as well in the matching outfits!