Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Someone's in the kitchen with Mommy...
More Bouncing!
Here are lots of videos of the girls playing in the bounce house. Like always, I could not decide which one(s) to post, so I just put them ALL!
Meredith's BIG Birthday Present
Swinging, Swinging, Swinging!
(and yes, Maddie is still in jammies....I stayed in mine too...I waited until the last minute to get ready for our date....wanted to look "fresh")
Meredith's First Sleepover
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
I Can Walk! (Almost...)
Madilyn has a new favorite toy. It is a little pink princess car that she can push or ride on. She has mainly been playing with all of the buttons on it. The past few days she has started to push it around while she is crawling. I have had no problem with this because I am in no hurry for her to start walking. Today, she crawled over to it, pulled herself up and just started walking with it!!!! She seems to really enjoy how she can get around even faster then when she crawls. It looks like we are in for some busy times with this little girl....
Monday, March 8, 2010
Happy 2nd Birthday Meredith!!!!!
What you are up to these days:
- you are wearing 24 month/2T clothes (they are a little big, but you need the length)
- you wear size 4 diapers
- you really don't seem at all interested in potty training, so we are going to wait a few months
- your hair is finally long enough to put into little bity pigtails (and Daddy loves it!)
- you are starting to talk so much more (even if Mommy is the only one who can understand you, it still counts!)
- you love Flintstone vitamins
- you love to watch Caillou, Little Mermaid and Finding Nemo
- you love to be outside
- you still have your Hippo lovey
- you sleep around 12 hours at night and take a 2 - 2 1/2 hour nap
- you sleep in a big girl bed
- you are starting to like Maddie Kate a little bit more (or you are at least protective of her)
- your favorite thing to say is, "No Da-e!"
- you barely eat enough to stay alive
- you love water, sweet tea and any type of coke if you can get your hands on it
- you love Hershey Bliss milk chocolate squares
- you love chips (just like Mommy)
You are just the greatest litle girl in the entire world. You have no idea how much Mommy and Daddy love you, or how much everyone you meet loves you. We had no idea what we were in for when we had you. But I can tell you that it has been the best time of our life so far! You a re just the sweetest, funniest best girl!!! Happy Birthday our girl!
Sunday was Meredith's 2nd Birthday! We just had a small at home "party" because she is having her big birthday party in 2 weeks. We cooked out hamburgers and then had a cake from Sam's. I might have let it fall out of the back of the car when we got home, but that didn't matter. It tasted delicious. Meredith loved every bite!
And these are some videos from the night. I couldn't decide which ones to put in, so I put them all in. I figure you are all family and all love her, so you will love watching!!!!
Meredith almost burned her lips off blowing out the candles. We may have to have a few trial runs before her party!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Just Playing Around!
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Our New Tricks!
Madilyn is now 8 months old. She has been crawling for almost 2 months. I guess that crawling on the main floor is not good enough for her anymore. She wants to go everywhere that Meredith does. Even upstairs to the game room. She may be tiny, but it is going to take more than a few stair to slow this baby girl down.
(Meredith did not like not being the center of attention)
The other night was a full moon. Michael took Meredith out to show her. On their way out the door, I jokingly told them to howl at the moon. Well, Michael showed her how and it only took one time for her to get it. She is so funny, now she doesn't even need the mood to howl!