Tuesday, November 17, 2009
These are just some of my favorite pictures from the past month...
Sleeping Beauty!
Madilyn really only sleeps when she is all swaddled up. The past few days, she has decided that our bed is just as comfy as being swaddled. She has fallen asleep when we have layed her down to do other things (while we are in the room...we don't leave that roly poly alone on a bed). She is so sweet that it almost makes me wish she slept with us...almost!
How Does She Live?
I truly do not know how Meredith is still growing. She eats about 2 bites of food at her meals. About once a week, she will eat an entire meal, but the rest of the time she barely eats anything. I have even resorted to giving her not entirely healthy things (cookies, pudding, chips, etc.) and she will eat it once, and then start turning it down to0. I guess it must be true what they say....milk must really do a body good!
(I will not eat it, but daddy says it is the best!)
(and yes, those are potatoes in my hair)
I know that it has been fall for a while now, but it is finally starting to feel like it. Meredith's new favorite thing to do is pick the berries off of bushes. Everytime that we go out into the from yard, she climbs in the flower beds, picks off as many as her little hand can hold, brings them to me, and then does it all over again. I am so happy that it has gotten cool enough to actually enjoy being outside!
Bath Time!
Madilyn loves to take baths. I have been giving her baths in the sink like I used to with Meredith, but she is super squirmy. I finally went out and bought a baby bath, and our bath time has become so much easier. I cannot wait until she is big enough to sit up on her own. She will really love her baths then!
No Free Rides!
We decided that Meredith is old enough to start doing chores...ha! We have been letting her feed Rocky. She gets so excited and runs to help everytime we need to feed him. She is so funny...she is super careful not spill any of his food, but she throws the cup as soon as she is done instead of bringing it back to us. Hopefully she will be this excited to really do chores once she is old enough.
Chocolate Pudding!
As many of you know, Meredith does not eat very many foods. I have been trying to find different things to give her for snacks. I bought her some chocolate pudding cups. She loved them! A few weeks ago, I was feeding Madilyn during snack time. Meredith obviously got bored with just eating the pudding and decided to paint herself. She was so covered in it that her arm actually stuck to her body. I had to rinse her off in the kitchen sink before I could bathe her. But she had fun, and that is what counts!
(I don't know why these pics are blurry, but you can still get an idea...)
(I don't know why these pics are blurry, but you can still get an idea...)
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