(Meredith was so good all day. It is like the two of them have a pact that only one will have a bad day. I really appreciate it!)
Friday, July 31, 2009
Some Days
Just a few days of our life...
After our play date (breakfast) the other day, Meredith wanted my Dr. Pepper. After I finished, I just filled it with apple juice. Sometimes she just acts like a big person and it makes me laugh.
Madilyn DOES NOT like the show that Meredith picked!!!
Yesterday was a very lonnnnnnng day. Maddie Kate only slept about 45 minutes from the time she woke up at 7:15. She is not a super fussy baby, but yesterday she just wanted to be walked around all day. By the time Michael got home from his long day at work, I was tired and so was this baby girl. She finally crashed out on Daddy's legs around 8:00.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Nose Kisses
I have been working for weeks and weeks trying to get Meredith to do nose (Eskimo) kisses. I always say "nosies nosies" to her, but she will pinch, poke, or pick my nose. Well, yesterday, Boppie managed to teach her in about five minutes. Meredith is all about Boppy and he can get her to do pretty much anything.
Meredith giving Mimi nose kisses.
I am sure that this made Mimi's day. When Boppie is around, Meredith treats everyone (and I mean everyone) like they are nonexistant. I know that Mimi just soaked in this burst of love from Mere.
Olivia Ann Griffith
The girls finally have a cousin! We are all so excited to welcome this new little girl to our family. Olivia Ann was born on July 27. She weighed 6 pounds and 11 ounces, and she was 19 inches long. The whole family has been awaiting the birth of "Baby G". Since Lauri and Casey did not find out what they were having it was a very nice suprise when we found out it was a girl. Lauri, Casey, and Olivia are all doing great!!!!
Monday, July 27, 2009
Meredith love, love, LOVES guacamole. She could seriously eat an entire pack of it at a time. Last night we had fajitas for dinner and Meredith got to have an appetizer of chips and guac. The chips are mainly like a spoon to get the guacamole to her mouth a little faster. Since it wasn't bath night, Michael took her for a swim to rinse off. We have also learned to feed guacamole topless to avoid stained shirts.

Family Visitors
On Sunday, my dad, Amanda, Audrey, Riley, and my grandparents came to visit. They only stayed for a few hours, but everyone enjoyed getting to see the girls. Meredith loved getting to have some extra attention.
1 Month Old!!!
Madilyn Kate....you are one month old!
What You Are Up To...
*you are wearing newborn size clothes (or anything that is up to 7-8 lbs)
*you are wearing newborn diapers
*you drink 3 oz of formula every 3 hours
*your first stretch of sleep at night is around 4 hours and then every 3 after that
*you stay awake more than any new baby I have ever seen...2-4 hour stretches at a time
*you have this wise look about you that makes me laugh
*you love a paci
*you love to hang out in the sling, it makes you fall asleep everyime mommy carries you in it
*you HATE riding in the carseat...it sounds like we are torturing in the back seat
(needless to say, we don't get out much in the day)
*your sister loves to give you kisses, poke your eyes, and steal your paci...she really does love you, even if it doesn't always seem like it
*you are so tiny...at 2 weeks you weighed 6lbs, 12oz, so I would guess you are around 7 1/2 lbs or less right now
*Daddy calls you Maddie a lot
*Mommy likes to call you Maddie Kate, because it sounds like patty cake
We all love you so much and are so thankful everyday that you are in our lives.
A Little Bit of Mommy Fun
The other morning, I put Madilyn in Meredith's baby stroller just for fun. Meredith thought it was the greatest thing ever. Her little face got so excited. I let her push her around for a few minutes (I was within touching distance the whole time). Madilyn didn't scream her head off, so I assume she enjoyed it a little.

Meredith's 1st Haircut!
Meredith had her first haircut the other day. I know what many of you are thinking. She doesn't have enough hair to cut. While it is not really long, she had a sort of mullett/mohawk thing going on in the back. More than one person made the mullett comment. For future refrence, that is not something a mother wants to hear unless her goal is to actually have a child with a mullett. We just had it trimmed up in the back to make it a little more even.
(Michael couldn't find the camera in my bag at first, so most of the pictures are on his phone. As soon as I get those uploaded to my computer, I will add them. Here are just a few to give you an idea.)
(Michael couldn't find the camera in my bag at first, so most of the pictures are on his phone. As soon as I get those uploaded to my computer, I will add them. Here are just a few to give you an idea.)
Can't a Baby Girl Get Some Sleep?!?
Madilyn is finally getting into somewhat of a routine...or as much of a routine as a 4 week old can be in. I am trying to start a little bit better of sleep habits with her than I had with Meredith. I put her in her pack-n-play during nap time. Meredith loves to run in the room and go "Shhhhh..." whenever she is asleep. Of course, immediately afterwards she will shake the bed and scream at her. She still hasn't quite grasped that shhhhh is more than putting your finger to your mouth...you actually have to be quiet afterwards.

When Madilyn wakes up from a nap to eat, it takes her a while to actually get awake. She stretches and grunts, falls back asleep, and repeats for some time. It probably isn't that long, but in the middle of the night when it wakes me up, I wish she would just wake up already so we could get back to sleep. In the day, though, it is so cute to watch.
When Madilyn wakes up from a nap to eat, it takes her a while to actually get awake. She stretches and grunts, falls back asleep, and repeats for some time. It probably isn't that long, but in the middle of the night when it wakes me up, I wish she would just wake up already so we could get back to sleep. In the day, though, it is so cute to watch.
We Have a Paci Thief!
Madilyn is somewhat of a paci baby. She seems to really like it, but more importantly, I really like it. It has been quite the lifesaver when I have both girls needing attention at once. The other day, Madilyn was asleep in her lounger sucking her paci and Meredith was playing while I made lunch. She started crying and when I went to her, the paci was gone. I looked everywhere that I thought her little mouth would have been able to spit it. I gave up and gave her another one. About five minutes later, it happened again. I started to suspect that Meredith might be involved in this one. Of course when I asked her, she said, "No, no, no." Since that is all she can really say, I don't know what I was expecting. It happened one more time, and I finally gave up the paci fight.
Well, when I was picking up toys during nap, this is what I found...

Well, when I was picking up toys during nap, this is what I found...
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Sometimes There Just Aren't Enough Mommies
It really has not been too difficult adjusting to having two kids. But....sometimes, it does get a little (lot) bit hectic when both girls are crying, when I really need to get something done, or especially when it is time to fix Meredith breakfast, lunch or a snack and Madilyn is hungry at the same time.
Well, today I finally finally got caught up on laundry. I have been washing and folding all day. This afternoon, I set my basket of the girls' clothes at the bottom of the stairs to go up. Then I had to feed Madilyn. This is what happened...

Well, today I finally finally got caught up on laundry. I have been washing and folding all day. This afternoon, I set my basket of the girls' clothes at the bottom of the stairs to go up. Then I had to feed Madilyn. This is what happened...
Friday, July 10, 2009
My Two Girls
Since I found out that we were having another girl, I have been so excited to dress them in matching outfits. I finally did yesterday. Meredith would not pose for a picture next to Madilyn and I was so scared to get them too close. Meredith is very good around her, but you never know.

Madilyn's First "Bath"
Madilyn had her first bath last week. It was really more of a sponge bath because she still had her cord on her belly. It went much better than Meredith's first bath. She didn't scream nearly as much as Mere did (or nearly as much as some of these pictures make it seem).
Happy July 4th!!!
We had a very uneventful July 4th. I am sure that is really no suprise to any of you considering the fact that we have a new baby. Laurie and Casey came over, and they brought food. It was so nice to not have to have anything ready and just have someone else do it. I definitely did not take advantage of everyone's help when Meredith was born, so I am cashing in on it now. Meredith had so much fun playing in the pool with Michael and Casey. Since it was sooooo hot, I stayed in with the baby (and since Lauri is soooo pregnant, she stayed in with us too.)
monkey see, monkey do
Meredith loved imitating Michael spitting out the seeds. She had no idea what he was doing, but she thought it was funny to act like him.
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