(this is just a quick post, I promise I will do a more in depth one with lots more pictures soon)
Friday, June 26, 2009
Madilyn Kate Hejl
Madilyn Kate is finally here! She was born on Tuesday, June 24th at 2:58 am. She weighed 6 pounds, 5 ounces and was 18 inches long.
(this is just a quick post, I promise I will do a more in depth one with lots more pictures soon)
(this is just a quick post, I promise I will do a more in depth one with lots more pictures soon)
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Just Hanging Around the House!
Meredith has been a little under the weather the past couple of days. We have just kind of layed low around the house in hopes that she would feel better. It seems to have worked. She is almost back to the little girl I know and love.
I let Meredith lay on the bed while I folded clothes. She must have loved how warm that they were from the dryer. She kept covering herself up with them.

Pregnancy Update
Yesterday, I had my 37 week appointment. Everything went really well. I am now 3 cm dilated and 75% effaced. I am just so happy to be making progress. It makes how uncomfortable I am totally worth it. On Tuesday, I had an ultrasound to check the growth of Madilyn. Right now she is measuring about 7 pounds, 3 ounces. My fluid was a little bit low. I go back next Tuesday for another ultrasound and my 38 week appointment. I kind of hope that I make it to those appointments, but I also kind of hope that this baby girl decides to make her arrival before then. I guess we'll just see what happens!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Skinny Dipping!
Meredith had a pretty rough afternoon. She slept in really late this morning. Her Mimi and Aunt Lola came to watch her while I went to a doctor's appointment. She played really well with them, but took a later nap. When she woke up, she was very warm. I am assuming it is from her shots that she got yesterday. She just cried and cried and cried when she woke up. I tried everything that I could think of to make her happy. I even tried things that are normally no no's.
When Daddy came home, he wanted to jump in the pool. Meredith is normally not a water baby. But for some reason, tonight was the night. She got to get in naked. She would jump from the stairs to Michael. She had so much fun!
Monday, June 15, 2009
Monday Funday!
After we got home from the doctor today, we just played for a little bit, had lunch, and then Meredith went down for a nap. I tried to lay down, but it just wasn't meant to be. Our air conditioner for the main part of the house went out yesterday, so it was pretty warm here. Thankfully, the a/c guys showed up right when Mere woke up from her nap.
After they left, we ran to the grocery store to get a couple of things we were out of. On the way home, I stopped at Sonic. Meredith has really been chewing on everything, so I picked her up a cup of ice. I have never seen a baby eat ice as much as she does.
We played the rest of the afternoon. When Daddy came home, we ate dinner. Meredith and Daddy went out to play while I cleaned the kitchen. Since it was such a hot day, and because we felt bad that Meredith had to get a shot today, we let her have a couple of popsicles. The only reason she can have more than one is because she doesn't really eat them. Plus, I finally started buying sugar free. That made it a little easier to put her down to bed tonight.
After they left, we ran to the grocery store to get a couple of things we were out of. On the way home, I stopped at Sonic. Meredith has really been chewing on everything, so I picked her up a cup of ice. I have never seen a baby eat ice as much as she does.
We played the rest of the afternoon. When Daddy came home, we ate dinner. Meredith and Daddy went out to play while I cleaned the kitchen. Since it was such a hot day, and because we felt bad that Meredith had to get a shot today, we let her have a couple of popsicles. The only reason she can have more than one is because she doesn't really eat them. Plus, I finally started buying sugar free. That made it a little easier to put her down to bed tonight.
Meredith's 15 Month Check-Up
Meredith had her 15 month check-up today. She did great! Dr. Neely said that she is right on target with everything. She should be getting her 1 year molars any day now. They are right under the gum. It looks like she is going to be our tall and lanky girl. She weighed 20 pounds 11 ounces (20th %), was 32 inches tall (90th %), and her head was 45.5 cm (45th % - so not as big as Michael always says it is). She only had to get one shot. I felt a little bad for her. She was laying and being so good, and then when the nurse poked her, her little eyes looked so sad and she cried for about 3 seconds. I will say, she has always been very good about getting her shots. She doesn't scream and scream, she normally cries for a few seconds and that is just because she is being held down.
And a couple of pics once we got home. As always, she was not into them. I kept putting her in the chair so that she wouldn't run away. This was as good as it was going to get.

And a couple of pics once we got home. As always, she was not into them. I kept putting her in the chair so that she wouldn't run away. This was as good as it was going to get.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
15 Months Going on 16!
Today, we just cleaned the house. I am sure it seems like that is all we do, but I just hate seeing dust. Plus it was raining most of the day and we couldn't go out and play. Meredith loves playing like she is driving a car. Whenever we meet Michael out after work, he lets her "drive" the truck while parking it. So now that is all she ever wants to do. She will stand at the door and go "uh, uh, uh" until you let her in. We were putting some things away in the garage, and she started pulling at my door. Of course, I let her in. I couldn't pick a favorite pic or video, so I did them all.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Oh, how fast she can get into trouble!!!
The past couple of days, I have not felt the greatest. I think that I am finally reaching the point of wanting Madilyn to be here. Even though I spend all day with Meredith and give her my almost always undivided attention, it still amazes me how quickly she can get into trouble. Here are just a couple of examples from the past two days.

I had left my drink from lunch on the side table. Meredith napped through lunch. When she woke up, I started making her a late lunch. She was playing so quietly with her books, but this is what I found when I went to grab her. She found my cup and drank half a Dr. Pepper. Thankfully, the caffeine didn't seem to make her crazy! Either that or she is already so crazy, we couldn't tell a difference.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Paw Paw and Grammy's Visit
Friday afternoon and some of Saturday, my dad, Amanda, Audrey, and Riley came to visit. It was really nice to get to spend some time with them. I just want so badly for Meredith and Madilyn to be close to all of their grandparents. I am pretty sure that everyone had a great time, especially Meredith. She loves being the center of attention. We had so much fun that I forgot to take pictures until the last day.

Thursday, June 4, 2009
New Game
Sorry that I haven't updated in a few days. As you know, Meredith is sick and not sleeping, so we are all a little sleep deprived. Hopefully, we are on the way to recovery. If not, we at least were able to take a decent nap today.
These pictures are from Tuesday. I cleaned the house all day, so we stayed in pajamas. Meredith and I went to play outside for a little bit between the rain showers. Her new favorite game that Daddy has taught her is to throw Rocky's ball into the pool and wait on someone to go get it for her. She normally only throws it onto the stairs. When she plays with Michael, he will go all the way in and get it. I will not. So after a few times of throwing it onto the steps, she decided to throw it in the middle. That is when the game ended.

These pictures are from Tuesday. I cleaned the house all day, so we stayed in pajamas. Meredith and I went to play outside for a little bit between the rain showers. Her new favorite game that Daddy has taught her is to throw Rocky's ball into the pool and wait on someone to go get it for her. She normally only throws it onto the stairs. When she plays with Michael, he will go all the way in and get it. I will not. So after a few times of throwing it onto the steps, she decided to throw it in the middle. That is when the game ended.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Child Labor
We went and had pictures made at JCPenny today. I will say that it just confirmed for me why this is not something that I do every month. Meredith was not at all interested and then she had complete meltdown when it came time to choose the photos we wanted. We did get some very good pictures, so that will make all the grandparents happy. Then we just came home and played.
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